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分享 一生要了解的中国历史100位皇帝
2011-3-14 01:10
一生要了解的中国历史100位皇帝 1.秦始皇(赢政)——中国的第一个皇帝 2.汉惠帝(刘盈)——来去匆匆,过眼云烟 3.汉景帝(刘启)——政绩并不代表着其成功 4.汉武帝(刘彻)——开天辟地的帝王 5.汉宣帝(刘询)——中兴之主 6.汉哀帝(刘欣)——“同志”皇帝 7.汉新帝(王莽)——夺权容易,守权难 8.汉光武 ...
115 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 moonlight
2011-3-14 01:08
the last that ever she saw him carried away by a moonlight shadow he passed on worried and warning carried away by a moonlight shadow . lost in a river last saturday night far away on the other side. he was caught in the middle of a desperate fight and she couldn't find how to push throug ...
101 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 我们的431即爱心宿舍
2011-3-14 00:23
96 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 I Like Journey
2011-3-13 23:40
I like journey , it can let me touch new thing.      I like journey , it can let me talk with natural. I like journey ,it can let me gain more knowledge except school. I like journey, it can let me sense the ...
77 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 大学感言
2011-3-13 23:37
不要迷恋哥,哥只是传说; 不要牵挂妹,妹只是两行泪; 不要小看弟,弟可是杀虫剂; 不要羡慕爸,爸只是神话; 不要忽略妈,妈当年一朵花!
73 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2