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已有 105 次阅读2011-3-14 01:08

the last that ever she saw him
carried away by a moonlight shadow
he passed on worried and warning
carried away by a moonlight shadow.
lost in a river last saturday night
far away on the other side.
he was caught in the middle of a desperate fight
and she couldn't find how to push through
the trees that whisper in the evening
carried away by a moonlight shadow
sing a song of sorrow and grieving
carried away by a moonlight shadow
all she saw was a silhouette of a gun
far away on the other side.
he was shot six times by a man on the run
and she couldn't find how to push through
i stay
i pray
i see you in heaven far away
i stay
i pray
i see you in heaven one day
four am in the morning
carried away by a moonlight shadow
i watched your vision forming
carried away by a moonlight shadow
star was light in a silvery night
far away on the other side
will you come to talk to me this night
but she couldn't find how to push through
i stay
i pray
i see you in heaven far away
i stay
i pray
i see you in heaven one day

far away on the other side.

caught in the middle of a hundred and five
the night was heavy but the air was alive
but she couldn't find how to push through

carried away by a moonlight shadow
carried away by a moonlight shadow
far away on the other side

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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