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广州青年志愿者网--公益网络志愿者义工协会--志愿者义工招募、公益爱心项目平台,咨询电话:1986-001-1205【联合国会议通过:1986年12月5日是第一个国际志愿者日】(办公时间10:00-17:00) 返回首页

藤藤的个人空间 http://i.zyz.cn/?33637 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


long time i havent visited here.... and long time i didnt join some task..
  • 陪着蜗牛跑步: it's ok  ,you can join the task when you free, excuse,are you student now and i want to know more about you ,can you tell me your QQ number? (3-23 17:00)
  • 藤藤: hello, how s going on?! hehee, i am not a student, and i am no more stay in Guangzhou now, i miss here and want to join the task again..best wishes to u! (4-11 14:22)
  • 陪着蜗牛跑步: ok,maybe next time you will tell me your QQ number ,right ?   I'm looking forward to your reply.  by the way ,you looks so beautiful. (4-11 20:08)
2010-6-18 16:40 回复|