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My thoughts after volunteering.

热度 1已有 198 次阅读2012-2-17 18:37 |个人分类:情感| 启智, 微笑分队

    Haha,I saw lots of volunteer in my city or in the Asian Games before,but I had never joined inside. As a student, I had my Spring Holiday and Summer Holiday that I didn't know how to spend on,so I decided to become a volunteer.
    I have been being a volunteer of Qizhi Service Team since Jan.14th.2012. I have joined a lot of volunteering activities from then on. "Smiling to direct"is a branch of Qizhi Service Team, and I love to join it's activity best. Firstly,I do know it's necessary for strangers or foreigners to give them a correct way to somewhere.Secondly,the people in "Smiling to direct" are very kind,helpful,smile and others,especially when I took part in the activity of "Smiling to direct" in my first time,many thanks for someone who has given me a hand.Besides, there are lots of extra skills,knowledges in "Smiling to direct",for example,it will teach you how to measure guest's bp(blood pressure),language lesson like Korean,Japanese,English,Cantonese and so on..
    But the new term is coming,I have to be ready to my new term. I am sure that I will be back to take part in activity in my spare time.
    I have try my best to finish this text,but I am not sure whether there's any wrong of grammar or tense or not,if it has,please contact me,thank you.

发表评论 评论 (2 个评论)

回复 AB1186何倩怡 2012-3-4 16:57
We are waiting for you!
回复 oo爱の旋律 2012-3-4 18:46
AB1186何倩怡: We are waiting for you!
thank you

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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